Teaching a robot how to vacuum clean with genetic algorithms!

Pt En < change language In this post I want to showcase the beginning of what I think will be a really cool project. After reading a really nice book (that Bill Gates himself recommends) on machine learning, I decided to experiment with genetic algorithms. For that matter, the main goal here will be to develop a genetic algorithm that teaches a vacuum cleaner how it should move in a dirty room to clean it in the best way possible (that is what is happening in the animation above). The first step is to define what I mean by room : a room will be a rectangular grid where each cell has a number from $0$ to $1$. A cell with a $0$ is perfectly clean and a cell with a number $1$ is as dirty as a piece of floor can get. Below we see a $5\times 5$ room with a robot (in red) already in the middle of the room: As I read in The Master Algorithm (and frankly I found it very enlightening), when one is going to use genetic algorithms we must previously define the structu...